An Interactive 360° Aerial Panorama of the World’s Highest Waterfall
Maybe I’m just a huge geek, but I found this vertigo-inducing aerial panorama of the world’s highest waterfall, Angel Falls, and nearby Dragon and Cortina Falls in Venezuela to be pretty incredible. This takes a few steps, but trust me it’s worth it. Head on over to AirPano and if you’re on a nice fast internet connection (or have a moment to wait) click the “High Resolution” viewer. You can turn off the music down on the bottom, click full-screen on top and then use the thumbnails on the right to switch views. Then click and drag anywhere on the screen to explore 360°. Unless you plan on traveling to Venezuela, renting a helicopter from a gold mine and flying perilously close to the 3,200 foot (979 meter) falls while dangling upside down from said helicopter, this is the next best thing. Angel Falls is so tall that the water never reaches the bottom, instead the flow turns into a dense fog during its half mile flight.
The panoramas linked above are actually from the first part of a 2-day trip in which the photographer, Dima Moiseenko, struggled with weather and other unexpected conditions to get the right shots. See a number of panoramas from his second day of shooting, and don’t miss AirPano’s full listing of close to 70 aerial projects.