Spawning in Forests, Figures Pose as Human-Sized Fungi
Nestled in the thicket of bushes and trees, a cast of curious figures resemble a variety of fungi. Crafted by Riitta Ikonen and photographed on film by Annie Collinge (previously), the symbiotic project aims to nurture the relationship between human beings and fungal species.
Disguised as human-sized mushrooms, a troupe of models rest on leafy forest floors, sprout beyond green tufts, and stand upright against fallen tree trunks that would serve as a home to respective species. Each elaborate costume is constructed from upcycled materials, strengthening the project’s nod to sustainably connecting with our surrounding environment.

Ikonen’s relationship with fungi stems from foraging in her early childhood. “Our whole family was in the forest for what seemed like ages as a child, and it didn’t take long to realize we’d be staying until every basket was filled,” she shares.
You can find more from Ikonen on her website and Instagram, as she is currently working toward the forthcoming Nakanojo Biennale in Japan and continuing the 13-year-old Eyes as Big as Plates series with Karoline Hjorth. Be sure to keep up with Collinge on her website and Instagram, as well.