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a photograph of a green car speeding along a road, seen through a chainlink fence that appears to be moving with the car
All images © Eric Kogan, shared with permission

Timing is Everything in Eric Kogan’s Coincidental Photos of New York City

On daily walks around New York City, Eric Kogan has a knack for finding unexpected moments of humor and happenstance. His playful photographs (previously) capture visual coincidences and interactions between his urban surroundings and nature.

From clouds seemingly cradled by electrical wires to the moon balanced precariously on the corner of a building, Kogan’s scenes highlight how perspective, light, and excellent timing can capture a lighthearted, even mischievous view of the city. Find more on his website and Instagram.

a photograph of a corner of a building at night, with the moon perched on the tip of it
a photograph of electrical wires that appear to be cradling a single white cloud in a blue sky
a vertical photograph of a shadow of a tree that appears to be growing out of an empty planter
a vertical photograph of a pair or pigeons sitting on a fence, facing opposite directions, with a giant white "X" in the background that mimics their arrangement
a photograph of a brick street with a small puddle in the middle of the image, with a window reflected in the water
a photograph of a bronze sculpture of a monk in prayer, with a flower near him so that he appears to be smelling the bloom
a photograph of a window with blinds inside, with the reflection of a tree that mimics the way the blinds appear to be pulled down and bent
a vertical photograph of a tall building with a stack of round windows, photographed at dusk with the moon hovering just above the building as if it's another window
a vertical photograph of clouds captured through a window of a building

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